5G Multi-access Edge Computing

As enterprises face pressure to lower costs, speed time to market, and become more dynamic, they are undergoing digital transformations, adding a wide range of new technologies into their processes and environments. The arrival of 5G and Edge Computing offer enterprises across all industries the capability to deliver innovative applications and immersive next-generation experiences to their customers.

Verizon 5G MEC—Computing on the edge

Multi-access edge computing (MEC) enables cloud servers to run closer to endpoints, reducing latency and speeding local processing.

Traditional Cloud Versus Distributed Cloud Infographic

How MEC is evolving the cloud environment

The integration of compute services and network services provides a uniform end-to-end application environment for development and management, while enabling proximity to end users.

MEC Cloud Environment Infographic

Current mode of operation:

• Developers work in a segregated environment to provision connectivity and networking and procure compute resources

Increasing challenges with growing data-processing volume and unreliable latency are affecting application performance

Future mode of operation:

• Preintegration of networking and compute services enables developers to leverage end-to-end services to easily configure, optimize and manage the life cycle of the application

• Service level agreement (SLA) enables reliable and secure connectivity and deterministic application performance

What can MEC help deliver?

MEC can help support the transformation to real time by delivering:

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A fully converged enterprise access and compute environment

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Ease in performing data analytics locally and deterministically

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Consistently low latency for workloads and applications (closed-loop control systems, autonomous machines, robotics, AR/VR, etc.)

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Data and application sovereignty to support security and compliance requirements

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The ability to remove backhaul as point of failure in the application path and to reduce bandwidth demand on backhaul

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Edge storage providing content delivery network (CDN) services for caching data on the network edge closest to the client element

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